Our Vision and Values | Shop Now

Our Vision

Striving every day to be a first choice retailer by empowering entrepreneurs to offer the best deal for our community.

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Our Legacy

Our vision is to support and empower communities economically by giving individuals the tools to run their own businesses, and adding value their customers’ lives. In doing so, we make a positive contribution to the communities of Southern Africa. In order to support the entire franchise group in living this vision, we embrace the four key values below.

Our Values

Honour the brand

We honour the brand by always being honest and fair. We strive to ensure we make things happen. Our commitment is to always offer the most interesting shopping experience.

Be professional

We treat each other the way we would like to be treated. We seek to understand before being understood. Whilst we value excellence we also aim to exceed expectations. We recognise our obligation to communicate.

Right to innovate and change

It is our right to contribute towards innovating and changing our system for growth. We'll support a decision that has been made. We take pride in implementing changes to the best of our ability.

Commitment towards people growth and development

We recognise achievement, nurture skills and create wealth across our organisation. We extend relationships into the community.

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